Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone mass density or deterioration of micro-architecture of the bone, which cannot be identified in the early stages unless there is a fracture due to minor fall or other diagnostic tests. The major risk factors associated to osteoporosis are age, gender, menopausal history, family history of osteoporosis, past medications, lack of exercise and dietary calcium. Proper awareness regarding the risk factors will help in reducing the complications. Data was collected by direct interaction with 120 female patients using a specially designed data collection form and counselling was provided to improve the awareness about the disease using self-designed brochure. The study reveals that most of the osteoporotic patients were in the range 35-55 years. 75% of the women were post-menopausal. The comorbid osteoporotic patients found were about 36.67% and 58.33% were hysterectomized. 56.17% patients were taking dietary calcium. Considering past medication history patients were taking calcium supplements (36.67%), antihypertensive drugs (27.5%), steroids (15%) and thyroid drugs (12.5%). 40% of the patients have family history of osteoporosis showing a positive correlation with the same and more than half of the patients (59.17%) lack exercise. Post-menopausal women, hysterectomy, family and medication history, dietary calcium and lack of exercise were found to be the predisposing factors of osteoporosis and its complications. Therefore providing counselling can benefit to have a better quality of life.